Cabin Cruise on board a catamaran in the Seychelles

Discover the most breathtaking beaches in the world

Cabin Cruise on board a catamaran in the Seychelles

Renowned for its crystal clear waters and beautiful coral reefs, the islands of the Seychelles are the perfect place for a relaxing getaway. Setting sail from Mahé you will discover the stunning natural landscape from on board your catamaran. To make the most of a cruise in the Seychelles we recommend that you embark between May and September.

Cruise Highlights

  • The Saint-Anne Marine National Park
  • Giant turtles on Curieuse Island
  • May Valley
  • Colourful birds on Cousin Island
4.6 4.6 · 17 reviews

Your Boat

  • Mojito 78
  • 12 total cabins
  • 24 people max
  • 4 crew members

Welcome on board your Mojito 78! This spacious catamaran can accommodate up to 24 passengers in its 12 cabins each with their own bathroom. You will love the comfortable living areas onboard this catamaran, it is perfect for making memories and enjoying a sailing holiday.

  • Bath towels
  • Beach towels
  • Kayak
  • Snorkeling gear

Please note that this boat has no A/C.

The owner reserves the right to replace with a different boat model of the same quality and performance

Your Cabin


This spacious catamaran can accommodate up to 24 passengers in its 12 cabins each with private bathroom (sink, shower and toilet).

Itinerary of your cruise

From Mahé to Praslin, stopping off at all of the major islands - discover the most beautiful spots in the Seychelles on board your cabin cruise.


Day 1 : Mahé – Sainte Anne Marine
At 3pm you will embark on your catamaran and have a chance to meet your captain and crew. You will then begin your journey, heading in the direction of the Sainte Anne Marine Park. This natural aquarium is home to over 150 species of fish!

Day 2 : Sainte Anne Marine – Praslin
After breakfast you will sail towards one of the larger islands of the Seychelles: Praslin. Here you will have the chance to visit the May Valley, which is listed as a UNESCO world heritage site. This wonderful tropical forest has been very well preserved in its natural state. Next you will head towards Anse Lazio, considered as one of the most beautiful beaches in all of the world.

Day 3 : Praslin – La Digue
Today your crew will sail towards the island of Digue. You will be amazed by the unique charm of this place. Make sure to explore all of its sights, perhaps by bike or by cart ride. You can also see the giant turtles, visit the coconut oil factory or the famous yellow house.

Day 4 : Coco – Curieuse
You will begin your day with a visit to the island of Coco. It is the perfect place for diving as its transparent waters are home to many species of brightly coloured fish. The Curieuse island is your next stop and here you can see the giant turtles which can live to be over 200 years old.

Day 5 : Curieuse – Saint Pierre
Day 5 and you will sail towards Saint Pierre, a rock islet close to the coast of Praslin. You can enjoy swimming or diving and watch the many fish dancing around the rocks. Moor for the night.

Day 6 : Praslin – Cousin – Mahé
Today it is time to head back to Cousin Island which is home to many incredible species of birds including several endangered species. You will then return to the main island of Mahé to relax and enjoy water sports. You will moor at Beau Vallon.

Day 7 : Mahé – Saint Anne
This morning your skipper will bring you to one of the most beautiful bays in all of Mahé. You will visit Victoria, the capital of the island and you can stroll around its pretty streets admiring the colourful homes and buildings. In the evening you will sail towards either Sainte-Anne or Eden Island and enjoy your last evening meal on board.

Day 8 - Mahé
Disembark at 8am.

Mahé  Sainte Anne Marine  Praslin  La Digue  Coco  Curieuse  Praslin  Mahé

Discover our fully customisable services to help you organise your holiday.

Serenity Service: Booking of your flight tickets.
Extension Service: Booking of accommodation and/or excursions before or after your cruise.

For more information, please contact your advisor or consult our FAQ section at the bottom of the page.

The itinerary may be changed without prior notice due to technical or weather conditions.
The photographs and visual products presented have no contractual value.


No date matches your requirements? Contact us!

Sat 03 Aug
Sat 10 Aug 2024
Sat 10 Aug
Sat 17 Aug 2024
Sat 17 Aug
Sat 24 Aug 2024
Sat 24 Aug
Sat 31 Aug 2024
Sat 31 Aug
Sat 07 Sep 2024
Sat 07 Sep
Sat 14 Sep 2024
Sat 14 Sep
Sat 21 Sep 2024
Sat 21 Sep
Sat 28 Sep 2024
Sat 28 Sep
Sat 05 Oct 2024
Sat 05 Oct
Sat 12 Oct 2024
Sat 12 Oct
Sat 19 Oct 2024
Sat 19 Oct
Sat 26 Oct 2024
Sat 26 Oct
Sat 02 Nov 2024
Sat 02 Nov
Sat 09 Nov 2024
Sat 09 Nov
Sat 16 Nov 2024
Sat 16 Nov
Sat 23 Nov 2024
Sat 23 Nov
Sat 30 Nov 2024
Sat 30 Nov
Sat 07 Dec 2024
Sat 07 Dec
Sat 14 Dec 2024
Sat 14 Dec
Sat 21 Dec 2024
Sat 21 Dec
Sat 28 Dec 2024
Sat 28 Dec
Sat 04 Jan 2025
Double Cabin
Price per person
Privatisation of boat
Total Price

No date matches your requirements? Contact us!

Price includes

  • Cabin with private bathroom
  • Full board (breakfast, lunch and dinner)
  • Drinks: water, coffee and tea
  • Crew members: captain, hostess, cook
  • 2 sets of sheets and towels (no bath towels)
  • Use of kayaks
  • Snorkeling gear
  • Guaranteed departure from 4 participants

Price does not include

  • Flights
  • Transfers between the airport and the marina (optional)
  • Alcoholic and soft drinks (optional : 145€ /person)
  • Cash box (compulsory - includes tourism environmental tax): 270€ /person to be paid in cash on site
  • Drink package: 145€ (on request) per person to be paid with the contract. It includes during breakfast: juice, during meals: table wine or 0,5l beer, one local aperitif based on rum, softdrinks, fruit juice. Other beverages can be purchased on the catamaran in cash.
  • Immigration form to be completed at least 3 days before departure

Our customers' reviews of this boat

4,6 · 17 reviews

  • 5

    A lovely beach adventure

    This trip was fun, informative, and relaxing. Our skipper was great and managed the boat well. The chef on board was a real chef and made amazing food. The boat was clean and provided towels and sheets. Overall a wonderful experience as a solo traveler.

  • 4

    Perfect trip to the paradise

    The boat was in a good shape and well located in the marina. The crew was very nice and the food on the boat was very delicious. The captain gave good briefings about the trip and also some flexibility with the stay on the islands. Overall a perfect trip to relax on a big boat, do some sailing, see great beaches but also local environment like turtles, bird parks, coco de mer woods and many other interesting items.

  • 5

    Seszele w pigułce

    Szybka adaptacja na jachcie, zapoznanie z kabiną, szyprem, kucharzem oraz pozostałymi uczestnikami rejsu i praktycznie w drogę. Pierwsza kotwica przy ciekawej wyspie i oczywiście kolacja na rufie katamaranu w pięknych okolicznościach przyrody z widokiem na całe Mahe i najwyższe pasmo górskie w okolicy. W pobliżu pozostałe jachty, które mniej więcej w tym samym czasie wypływają w kilkudniowy rejs. Kąpiele w oceanie bez ograniczeń, praktycznie o każdej porze dnia i nocy. Rano oczywiście kąpiel, śniadanie i znowu wpław do najbliższej plaży poleżeć pod palmami. Potem na jacht, kotwica w górę, żagle na maszt i w drogę w kierunku Praslin. W trakcie rejsu przystanki w przecudnych zatoczkach, nurkowanie na rafach, zwiedzanie pięknych samotnych wysepek na oceanie z bujną roślinnością i ciekawymi ptakami. Przy większych wyspach możliwość fakultatywnych wycieczek (pieszo, rowerem lub wynajętym transportem) i zwiedzanie malowniczych plaż i parków oraz koegzystencja z żółwiami o naprawdę dużych rozmiarach. Praktycznie wszystko czego możecie sobie zażyczyć w raju. Jeżeli chodzi o posiłki na jachcie to za te parę groszy macie naprawdę świetne jedzenie i drinki na cały dzień.. Kuchnia regionalna, europejska i azjatycka i na pewno nie do przejedzenia. Jeżeli ktoś degustuje to też może degustować cały dzień różne drinki i alkohole do woli, ale nie polecam bo wtedy nic nie zwiedzi. Ja byłem na 8 dniowym rejsie na początku lutego i ponoć to jest najbardziej deszczowa i kiepska pogoda na Seszelach. Uwierzcie mi, jeżeli to jest kiepska pogoda to chcielibyście mieć taką cały rok w Polsce. Przez 6 dni przepiękne słońce, błękitny ocean i wszyscy z utęsknieniem wypatrywali jakiejś chmurki. Dopiero w 7 dniu delikatnie pokropiło po południu ku uciesze wszystkich. Myślę że to najlepszy okres na wakacje w tej części świata. Praktycznie podczas jednego rejsu każdy znajdzie coś dla siebie. jeden żeglowanie, druki nurkowanie, trzeci plaża, kąpiele i wycieczki. Co ciekawe wszystkie wyspy są górzyste, tyle że tutaj mały szczyt np. 350 m robi wrażenie jak u nas co najmniej 700 m bo jest widziany bezpośrednio od poziomu morze ;) Największy szczyt na Mahe 900 m robi wrażenie jak Giewont w Tatrach i wszystko w scenerii wysokich palm kokosowych, piaszczystych plaż i błękitnego oceanu. Jednym słowem polecam. Seszele zaliczone i teraz czas na Pacyfik. Co ciekawe to była kolonie francuska a później brytyjska. Pomimo, że Brytyjczycy byli tu dłużej niż Francuzi to lepiej się tu dogadacie po francusku niż po angielsku. Chociaż jak znasz angielski to bez problemu sobie poradzisz. Naprawdę za relatywnie rozsądną kwotę można przeżyć świetną przygodę jachtem po Seszelach.

  • 4


    Für uns war das Reiseziel und die Crew perfekt! Wir haben alles gemacht, was in der Route enthalten war, haben diese aber dem Wetter angepasst, damit wir das beste rausholen können und auch der koch war Spitzenklasse! Einzig war die Absprache der einzelnen Reiseanbieter und der Firma dort vor Ort, jeder hatte unterschiedliche Angaben, dies war am Anfang verwirrend und man kann dort nur in Euro oder Seychellen Rupien bezahlen, und wurde vorab Dollar gesagt. Es war aber der paradiesische Traum für uns und wir würden es jederzeit wieder buchen.

  • 4

    Dobra załoga, dobry jacht, dobry program!

    Podróżowaliśmy po raz pierwszy z VPM. Jacht był w dobrym stanie technicznym, kapitan kompetentny. Szczególne słowa uznania należą się kucharzowi, który zapewnił nam smaczną i różnorodną kuchnię podczas całego rejsu. Trasa i program rejsu były bardzo ciekawe i to jest z pewnością duży atut tego typu rejsów kabinowych - zobaczyliśmy bardzo dużo dzięki zaangażowaniu załogi. Minusem jest zdecydowanie pakiet napojów, który wykupiliśmy. Nie opłaca się wykupowanie tych pakietów, lepiej kupować napoje na miejscu lub przynieść na pokład własne.

  • 4

    Une belle découverte des Seychelles

    une semaine entre Mahé, Praslin, Curieuse, La Digue, Cousine...

  • 5


    Bardzo dobra organizacja rejsu, świetne posiłki, mnóstwo okazji do snorkelowania, a także możliwość zwiedzenia najważniejszych atrakcji na odwiedzanych wyspach. Polecam, warto

  • 5

    Traumhafte Seychellen Tour

    Wir hatten eine wunderschöne 8 Tagesreise zu verschiedenen Inseln mit Ausflügen und vielen Schnorchelmöglichkeiten. Alles war bestens und perfekt. Ron und Donavan waren sehr bemüht. Drinks und Essen waren sehr, sehr lecker mit täglich fangfrischen Fischen und Takamaka Cocktails. Es war sehr heiss und schwül und einige Nächte haben wir an Deck geschlafen, was mir sehr gut gefallen hat. Wir hatten das große Glück, dass wir auf den 6 Kabinen Katamaran Eye Candy, einem sehr schönen und modernen Boot, umgebucht wurden. Wir würden diesen Trip sofort wieder machen.

  • 5

    Super tolle Crew, tolle Natur und gutes Programm!

    Super nette Organisation und Empfang durch Linda in der Marina. Selbst auf meine Histamin Unverträglichkeit wurde super eingegangen und nochmal nachgefragt um sicher zu sein mich gut versorgen zu können. Als Alleinreisende hatte ich super Glück mit den Mitreisenden und die Crew mit Ron und Steve war einfach ein Traum. Ron als Skipper war sehr flexibel und bemüht auch abseits der geplanten Tour uns Sehenswürdigkeiten zu zeigen. Zu allen möglichen Dingen hatte er stets die Informationen zur Hand oder hat sie nachgefragt für uns. Auch auf unseren Wunsch mitzusegeln ist er gerne eingegangen. Steve als Koch war ein Traum. Ich habe bei meinem anschließenden Aufenthalt an Land sehr oft seine abwechslungsreiche und super frische und bekömmliche Küche vermisst. Unter anderem haben wir an Bord frische Fische gefangen und Steve hat diese in tolle abwechslungsreiche Gerichte verwandelt. Ein Traum! Das Programm war so gestrickt, dass wir 10 Inseln in 7 Tagen gesehen haben. Dabei war es nie langweilig und stets mit der richtigen Dosis zwischen Erholung und Aktivität. Ich würde jederzeit wieder mit den beiden Segeln und kann sie nur empfehlen!

  • 5

    Ottimo modo di visitare isole incontaminate

    Bellissimo modo di visitare le Seychelles. Penso di aver fatto la scelta migliore. Navigando abbiamo visto i delfini, tartarughe marine e isole incontaminate in cui ci siamo fermati a fare snorkeling (attrezzatura a bordo). Colazione, pranzo, cena ottima. Personale super accogliente e disponibile. Nuove amicizie. Unica pecca è la mancanza di aria condizionata. C’era un piccolo ventilatore ma il rumore non faceva dormire. Nella mia camera non era possibile aprire le finestre; solo un oblò, di conseguenza non c’era corrente. Consiglio a chi arriva presto come me, di lasciare i bagagli in aeroporto o a Eden island , prendere un taxi ed andare a fare un giro a vittoria o in qualche spiaggia perché non imbarcano prima delle 15... noi in realtà 17. ripartirei mille volte. Consigliata.

  • 4

    Bella vacanza in famiglia

    Vacanza splendida, niente da eccepire. Equipaggio molto disponibile e preparato. Molto bella la destinazione e il tour. Spiagge paradisiache e angoli di paradiso con acqua calda e cristallina. Meta non consigliata per lo snorkeling

  • 4

  • 5

  • 5

  • 5

  • 5

  • 5

Frequently asked questions

  • Can I use those services as an addition to my cruise?

    Our services are available to all clients who embark on our cruise. Our tailor-made offers are adapted to your needs and your budget.

    We have created two fully customisable offers:
    - Serenity Service: Booking of your flight tickets.
    - Extension Service: Booking of your accommodation (hotel, house, villa, etc.) and/or complementary activities such as excursions, guided tours, car rental, etc.

    Our dedicated advisors will be happy to assist you in your holiday planning.
  • What documents are needed in order to travel to the Seychelles?

    You do not need a Visa for stays of up to 3 months in the Seychelles, however you should have a valid passport, be able to prove you have sufficient funds and present a return ticket.
  • Is everyone on board English-speaking?

    Please note that this cruise is not exclusive to English travelers. It is quite common to meet people of various nationalities on board as we offer cruises to international clientele - encouraging curious and enriching exchanges for both passengers and crew.
    Crew members are multilingual and qualified to offer multilingual service.
  • How can I arrange my transfer from the airport to the boat?

    After you have made your booking the base manager will contact you to give you more information on your cruise. Make sure you confirm what time you will be arriving and also your flight details. A taxi or minibus can meet you at the airport and bring you directly to the boat at an extra cost.
  • What does a skipper do? And what about a hostess?

    All the skippers which we offer are qualified, have the necessary professional licenses and speak fluent English. If you have any particular demands regarding a skipper make sure to let us know.
    The skipper is in charge of navigation and your safety on board. Feel free to try out some of the manoeuvres with him; he will be happy to teach you the basics of sailing.
    Regarding sleeping arrangements, the skipper will sleep on board, either in a cabin or in the common area (saloon).
    The skipper is not in charge of cooking or washing up. A hostess (or cook) will prepare your meals, clean the saloon area and the cabins and make sure the boat is kept tidy.
  • Does the boat operate only with the sails?

    It depends on the weather. When the winds are strong, the skipper will use the sails to sail silently. On days with calmer winds or to reach the stopovers on schedule, the skipper may need to use the engine. The engine is also used when entering and leaving the marinas. We cannot guarantee a minimum time of using the sails. The skipper will do their best to use the sails as much as possible and involve passengers in manoeuvres.
  • What currency is used in the Seychelles?

    The local currency in the Seychelles is the Seychellois Rupee. In 2024 1 € = 14.80 SCR and 10 SCR = 0.67 €.
    It is possible to pay in Euros or Dollars for accommodation, transport, some restaurants and tourist sites however of course the change will be given to you in rupees.
    Credit cards, Visa and Mastercard principally, are excepted in most places, as well as travelers cheques in larger businesses.
    You cannot leave the Seychelles with more than 2,000 Rupees in cash.
  • What payments must I make in order to confirm my booking?

    To confirm your booking you should inform your GlobeSailor advisor who will put an option (hold) on the cabin for a certain time until we receive your down payment.
    The booking will only be considered final once we have received your down payment (by bank transfer, Paypal or credit card) which is 50% of the total amount. A 100% down payment is required for any booking made less than one month before departure.
    The balance should be paid no later than one month before boarding, either to the base or to GlobeSailor. Mandatory extras and options will be payable locally. Be sure to check with your advisor or the base prior to departure.
  • What happens if I need to cancel my cruise?

    If you wish to make a cancellation, you should contact your GlobeSailor advisor as soon as possible. Whatever the circumstances, you will be charged the following cancellation fees, depending on when the cancellation is made: up to 90 days before departure = 30%; 89 to 60 days before departure = 50%; 59 to 30 days before departure = 75%; 29 days or less before departure = 100% of the total cost of your booking. We recommend that you sign up for cancellation insurance with your personal insurance provider.