23 Boats to rent in Brazil

Types of boats available for charter in Brazil

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Yacht charter in Brazil

Navigation conditions in Brazil:

It is possible to navigate all year round in Brazil. However, the navigation conditions are better in summer in Brazil, although some boaters prefer to navigate in spring and autumn. Indeed, during the summer, the temperature of the sea is around 28 degrees on average. During winter, the temperature can fall below 16 degrees in the south of the country.

During the summer in Brazil, northerly winds blow regularly at a speed of 12 knots. Between Rio de Janeiro and Florianópolis, the wind is often low. In winter, you should be vigilant with the "pampeiros," a violent wind with speeds of up to 60 knots. The current is approximately 2 knots in the summer and 1 knot in the winter.

Boat rental is beginning to become more developed in Brazil, but the main nautical activity in Brazil (apart from fishing) is motor boating. Indeed, 80% of Brazilian fleets are composed of motor boats.. Some renters can supply a sail boat, and they can also offer the rent of a catamaran.

The nautical clubs, harbours and Marinas offer numerous modern facilities. Provisioning, landing, refuelling and water, can all be easily carried out without problem. In some ports, there is also wifi!

There are many interesting stopovers and sites in Brazil: Salvador de Bahia, Fortaleza, the island of Ocean, Rio de Janeiro, Ilha Grande, Vitória, the Amazon, Rio Grande do Sul, Santiago do Iguape… The tropical vegetation, sparkling waters and sand dune lined beaches ensure a memorable cruise in Brazil.